ស្រឡាញ់ខ្មែរ ត្រូវជួយជាវ CD និង VCD Original ដើម្បីជួយលើកតម្កើងវប្បធម៌និងសិល្ប៖ខ្មែរ!!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Convert CD to MP3 in​ Window Media Player In Window 7

In Window Media Player, We can convert CD to Mp3 file For using on PC and Phone. Please Practice Step by Step :

Please Open​ Window Media Player

Then Right Click on screen and choice "More Option"

Click on Tab​ "Rip Music" For Adjust File CD To Mp3

On Tab Rip Music, Go to Format For Find​ File Mp3

Choice "Mp3"

Click​ "OK"

If you take CD in CD Room, It'll show Rip CD Button  For Clicking When Window Media Player opened. 

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